Annual Impact Report 2020/21

Fantastic growth in all our key projects

Our Annual Impact Report shows what a difference we’ve made to the health and wellbeing of our communities through movement over the past 12 months (from July 2020 to June 2021).

Our third year of operations was our most testing year yet, but also our most rewarding, as we saw fantastic growth in all of our key projects.

More than ever before, we saw the importance of connecting people through physical activity, reducing isolation with an amble and a chat in the fresh air and simply making going for a walk, a reality for people.

We’ve pulled out some of the key facts and figures demonstrating the impact we’ve had, both on the communities we’re supporting as well as our wonderful network of volunteers, below.

When we started this year emerging from the very first lockdown, we really didn’t know what lay ahead. We soon discovered that what lay ahead for us was an enormous increase in the uptake of Move Mates that’s seen the project grow to more than four times the size than the previous year.”

Egg Cameron, Chief Executive


  • At the end of June 2021, we had 189 beneficiaries paired with a Move Mate, compared with 59 at the end of June 2020.

  • Our amazing volunteers volunteered a whopping 719% more hours than the previous year!

  • 84% of our beneficiaries felt that they had made lots, or a little progress, towards the goal(s) they set when they started walking with their Move Mate.

  • Our volunteers saw similar benefits – volunteering within our communities helps them to feel connected, gives them a sense of purpose, as well as encouraging them to continue moving.

  • During the pandemic, we provided a city-wide temporary response and support service, with 118 Covid-response volunteers. During this period we made over 1700 phone calls, and were a key partner to 39 pharmacies, delivering an impressive 8000+ prescriptions!

  • In April 2021, we launched a brand new and improved Move Map, showing outdoor gyms, trim trails, workout challenges and walking routes. 38 people have contributed to the Move Map by exploring their local area and submitting sites.


Find out more about the impact we’ve had and read our 2020/2021 Annual Impact Report in full.

Finally, we’d like to say a huge THANK YOU to all our amazing volunteers, partner organisations and supporters who have made all this possible – we hope you feel as proud as we do to have contributed to improving the wellbeing of others through movement over the past year. We’re excited to see what the next 12 months have in store!


We now stand on the cusp of another exciting period as the communities in which we work return to ‘normal’ and we work toward expanding beyond York and bringing our projects to other communities further afield. The only thing we can be sure of is that this will be another period of change but it is reassuring to know that backed by our dynamic team we will be ready for the challenge.”

Nick Griffin, Chair of Trustees

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